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Cooper Norcross Run the Bridge 10k

Boasting the largest 10K in the tri-state area, the Cooper Norcross Bridge Run is a fast paced fun race.  This was my first time running the race and I was unaware of just how many participates there were.  It was a sellout crowd of over 3500 runners and 1500 walkers.  Starting on the Ben Franklin bridge, Jersey side, you start the race up hill.  The wind over the bridge can be brutal, it helps to pace behind the pack of runners rather than out in the open.  If you’re able to handle the first hill you quickly hit the other side of the bridge and are forced to head back over.  Back on the Jersey side of the bridge, the course was mostly flat with a few twists and turns.  The course, at one point, heads down by the waterfront and finally ends with a sprint onto Campbell’s  field.

The prize money brings in some pretty talented runners.  There were 5 sub 5 minute milers in attendance with the winner Alene Reta having a winning time of 29:11 at 4:43 a mile.  Beside being a little cold that day the weather was perfect and made for a very fun enjoyable race.

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