The majority of the reading that I’ve done usually involves technical books for my day job. I’ve recently started to extend my library to include some running books. One of the things that I regretted about high school is never going out for the track team. I wish I would have gotten to experience coaching from someone who’s either run competitively in the past or had an extensive running background. Since that’s no longer an option I did the second best thing, get a book from someone who does coach runners. I picked up Alberto Salazar’s Guide to Road Racing, and all I can say is I wish someone would have handed me this book years ago. Even as someone who’s been running for over 14 years I’ve pick up a lot of helpful tips. I know this will be my go to reference for future questions and pacing strategies. I’ve actual read the book with a notepad because there’s just so many important tips the author makes. The author knows what it’s like to deal with injury and the training necessary to be at the highest level of competition. I’m just glad that I did come across this book so I can try to change some of my bad habits and fine tune my training. Either way the book is worth every penny.

Patrick is an ultrarunner and coach from Philadelphia who loves documenting his running career. His mission is to provide useful tips and tricks to assist others along their ultra journey. You can find his coaching services at