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Author: Patrick Durante

Lessons Learned from Canceled 100-Miler

What Went Wrong

1 – Driving over 4-5 hours for a 100-miler.

It was a long journey from Philly to Abingdon. If you drive that far, I learned you should not race the following morning. That’s what I had done in the past. Some of my longest drives had me racing the next morning, and it’s bad for a few reasons. You end up trying to move too fast through these towns and miss the culture! It’s the best part of these races, not just the trails. Stop treating it like a business transaction, where you need to get in, get out, and then leave. Stop making it just about a challenge and collecting a time, buckle, or race under your belt. These races are NOT just another number to the people who live there; they are the heart and soul of the community. Come early and leave a day late if you can. You won’t regret it. Take in the local fair, visit restaurants, and enjoy yourself. SLOW DOWN—that is what the hurricane taught me.

2 – Fall 100s = bad for family life

The difference between tris and ultras 🙂

Kids’ sports and family life, in general, are busier for me in September and October, but that’s when several 100-mile races take place. After this race, I made a vow to ONLY race 100-milers in the summer when my wife is off from school, which puts the least amount of burden on the family.

3 – Ultra-self centered

Shortly after the hurricane, we lost power, and I only saw a few photos and videos of Damascus. Then we got the news that the race was canceled. I can tell you, it felt like a wave washed over me, lifting my eyes from the self-centeredness of completing my 100-miler. Trying to compare my problems to those of people who lost their homes was humbling.

Hundred-mile races are a weirdly intense focus on the runner, but many people work hard to give you the opportunity to run 100 miles uninterrupted. This focus on the runner and their race can make you lose perspective. Now, I felt like an idiot. I had inconvenienced many to get here, and now that the race was canceled, what was it all for? I was away from my family, sitting in a hotel without power, with nothing to show for all my selfish efforts.

I watched videos of homes being destroyed in Damascus. There was no way I could be mad that the race was canceled. It’s just a race, and while it may feel like your entire world, you get to run another day. It’s going to take time to repair the damage to this town. You can go on UltraSignUp and jump into another event next weekend. The local Yeti runners, who would have supported you in the race, now needed help.

Get over yourself and how important you think you are. It’s not about you; it’s about community.

What went right?

The Girl and The Raven Story

We ate at the amazing restaurant “The Girl and the Raven.” It’s named after a cute children’s story. In the story, a girl sees a total solar eclipse and, confused by what it is, thinks her life is over. In that moment of fear, she promises to be a better person. She vows, “If only I had another day, I would be kind and forgiving, I would love more and serve others.” The Raven overhears her promise and ensures she fulfills it.

The path to happiness in life is filled with those four tenets from the story: kindness, forgiveness, love, and service to others. These are values I try to instill in my children. While I am still working slowly on that last one, I realize it’s an important path to a meaningful life.

On the way down, we listened to a bunch of podcasts that echoed the same lessons as a guide to happiness.

Once the power went out, there wasn’t much else left to do but go to sleep. There was no internet or TV, and my phone wasn’t working. I thought, what the hell, why not make the best of a bad situation and go for a run while I’m here? I had traveled nine hours to see the trail, so why not go see it?

The plan was to see how far I could get, but with a max of maybe 4-5 hours. At that point, I didn’t have much of a sense of the extent of the damage, just that the race was canceled and there was flooding in certain locations. I had only seen one or two posts on the FB Yeti page about some of the overflowing rivers near aid stations before the power cut out. All local restaurants and businesses had lost power.

I decided to just go to sleep, then wake up and go for a run. I would see just how far I could go, then turn around. The car was already packed to head home, so what was left to lose? I thought maybe I could salvage the trip in a small way and make the best of a bad situation.

Time with Dad

I work from home as a remote IT worker and can only get out for maybe two 100-mile races a year. For the last few years, these races have become sacred trips that I take with my father. They are not just about exploring my physical and mental limits, but also about spending quality time with my dad. I record these adventures to remember the moments we share and to show my kids.

Through these recordings, I hope to inspire my children to lead an active lifestyle and demonstrate that you can find a community of like-minded individuals willing to tackle tough challenges. Life is inevitably going to deal you some hard times—this is a certainty. But by pushing through these races and sharing these experiences, I aim to teach them resilience, the value of perseverance, and the importance of finding joy and camaraderie even in difficult situations.

The Adventure with Josh

I met Josh, and together we got to see some of the best parts of the Virginia Creeper Trail. We shared several miles and had what I call a condensed race experience. We witnessed the damage firsthand and saw how bad the course would have been for the 200+ runners. That gave me a full understanding of the decision to cancel the race and why it was necessary. If you had driven nine and a half hours, I’m sure you would have made the same decision.

I went out fast because I had no idea when I would be forced to turn around. Josh and I got to see some of the best parts of the Virginia Creeper Trail. You might think I’m an idiot for trying to run the course under such circumstances, but if I hadn’t, I would have left with a massive amount of regret. I wasn’t going to put my family through this again.

I promised myself to not be so self-centered, or travel this far, or stay away this long for a race. A piece of me shifted inside, focusing more on family versus racing. I can always come back to these races when my kids are older, but right now, I need to coordinate these events better with my father and wife so I don’t miss as many family moments. If the race gets canceled, is the trip still worth the drive? This experience has made me reconsider my priorities and the balance between my passion for running and my responsibilities to my family.

You should put in backup plans so that even if things don’t go as expected, you still have something to show for it. I had already spent a lot of time getting here, and I wasn’t going to let that go to waste. Working from home means I don’t get many novel experiences, so I was determined to make the most of my trip. Why not?

For you runners out there, this was my Yeti, and I enjoyed it just as much as any other 100-mile race I have done—maybe even more—because I made the best of a bad situation. This wasn’t the Yeti I was expecting, but it was the Yeti I got. Sure, I wish there hadn’t been a hurricane, but a quote that stuck in my mind is, “Happiness isn’t about an absence of problems, it’s your ability to solve them.” And with such an amazing town of runners and people, they will rebuild, repair, and thrive.

DNFs (Did Not Finish), DNSes (Did Not Start), hurricanes, and bad weather are all part of life and ultrarunning. Sometimes you don’t get a chance to toe the line, and you need to learn how to accept that. This experience has taught me the importance of resilience and adaptability, and I hope it inspires others to find joy and purpose even when things don’t go as planned.

While running with Josh, he said, “I think I am about to PR in the 50K.” That made me smile, and we kept pushing the pace the entire time. Josh was kind enough to give me a bottle of water, and we finished the rest of the run together. It was a little ray of sunlight on a pretty cloudy and stormy weekend, and I was glad to be a part of it. Josh got that 50K PR in the most unexpected way, turning a challenging situation into a memorable achievement.

No red meat?

The mother protecting her calf stuck with me.

One thing that shook me was seeing a cow guarding her calf in a video. It struck me deeply, especially since I don’t even eat much red meat. The idea that I might be eating the daughter she is trying to protect hit home, particularly because I have two daughters of my own. This interaction made me reconsider my dietary choices, and I’m now thinking about giving up red meat or at least significantly limiting it. It’s not critical to my diet, and this experience has given me a new perspective on the impact of my food choices.

Final Thoughts:

If you want to help, please consider donating to Feeding Southwest Virginia or the Red Cross. That’s all I could do. I couldn’t stay around to help directly, and I couldn’t be of any use other than showing other runners what the course was like. There was no way this race could have gone off, and I think everyone understands that.

Here’s my virtual Yeti 50K. This video documents that run and is meant to show how I made the best of a bad situation, and how amazing the Yeti community is. Look for the “Raven” in your life—the guide that will lead you to better paths and decisions, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

AI keeps spelling it CANCELLED

I am… an ultrarunner?

On a podcast, they talked about a simple meditation of asking yourself the question “I am?”. I had so many answers for who “I am”. It’s an interesting exercise to do on your next run.  Just say the phrase silently to yourself.  You will come up with many answers to the same question.  I am – “fast”.  I am – “running”.  I am – “here now”.  I am a husband, son, father, nerd. You get the idea. It didn’t stop, but lots of them were from different periods of my life.  Some goofy, like.  I am, “jumping over this rock”.  Some were about the present, future, or past.  It was a simple meditation to bring awareness to how you see yourself in this world, your life, and your mind.  It highlighted this image of WHO I thought I was.  

I’ve known that mental dialogue is critical to success in what we do, and what we think we are capable of.  My kids say, “I am” about a lot of things. “I am not able to open this”, or “I am not able to figure this out”, or whatever needs to be done. I always hear them say the words before or after the moment of failure.

As I kept asking myself “I AM”, this image of me standing in front of a classroom full of children appeared. I would ask the kids, there would be a pause, and then one of the children would blurt out, “Oh, I know, I know.”  “I am strong”, “I am funny”, or “I am grateful”.  This went on until I ran out of answers.  I was then blank, and left with just “I am.”  That left me with the idea that I am just a body, a person having a human experience on earth and nothing more.  I am here, now, moving through time and space.  I picked up “The Miracle of Mindfulness”, and the memorable story he tells is about washing the dishes.

“While washing the dishes one should only be washing the dishes, which means that while washing the dishes one should be completely aware of the fact that one is washing the dishes.”

… “The fact that I am standing there and washing these bowls is a wondrous reality. I’m being completely myself, following my breath, conscious of my presence, and conscious of my thoughts and actions. There’s no way I can be tossed around mindlessly like a bottle slapped here and there on the waves.”

Not washing the dishes to get to the cup of tea or TV show you will watch when done.  You are fully aware of what you do right now at this current moment because its a critical mindset to carry us through life.  

AI still has an issue with fingers…

As our lives get hectic, or distracted by technology.  The point we sometimes forget is that we are alive, and present in what we do, day in and day out.  Enjoying family, enjoying a workout, enjoying a race.  The older you get the faster it goes.

“Without noticing we’re doing it, we treat the future as intrinsically more valuable than the present. And yet the future never seems to arrive.”

You think retirement, vacations, weekends, or what’s next will be better than your current situation, but it won’t. If you can’t enjoy the current moment you’re in, those future items won’t bring peace.  I stay present when I run.  I listen to my surroundings and find new sights on things I’ve done a thousand times.  You would be surprised how much you might be missing out on if you’re staring at your phone, or listening to music.  Our minds were meant to rest, and not always have a podcast or music blasting in our ears. After two hours of this “I am”, I did eventually put my podcast back on. See what I did there, this all started because I heard it on a podcast. I was seeing if you were paying attention 😉 Are you crazy? Who can run for 4 hours and NOT listen to some music?!?! I’m just kidding, but have some boredom and downtime once in and while. You might receive a message the world is trying to tell you.  Get out there, get moving, and start answering the questions for yourself, “I am <insert answer here>”. Let me know what you discover in the comments below.