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Goals for 2014

Goals for 2014

Pr in a half marathon.

This will be tough.  I plan to run the “Love Run” and really kick off the new year with an excellent time.  I’m following this plan to achieve this goal.

Break 1 hour in the Broad Street run.

This is my favorite down hill race.  I run it every year with my dad.  Breaking 1 hour would be incredible, and I’m very close.  I would only need to shave off 2 minutes from my time and have perfect weather…  It might happen…

Win the Sloppy Cuckoo Half Marathon race.

I’ve come in 3rd and 4th place in this race for a few years now.  I would love to win to this race overall.  2014 is going to be the year of speed.  I guess it’s just a matter of who shows up that day and what the pace is like.

Age group in the Blues Cruise 50K.

I learned so much running a 50M race last year.  I plan to use that knowledge and apply it to a 50K.  I’m not far from an age group.  With some more speed and better pacing, I will pull this off too.

Some of these goals are extremely difficult.  I’ll be happy if I accomplish ONE of them.  If I put the time in I don’t see any reason why I won’t.  I hope that 2014 is a good year!  


UPDATE:  I have failed every goal… 🙁   Well, better luck next year?  I did learn from my mistakes.  I realized I need to do more strength training.  In late races I find I get tired legs.  I have built up a great cardio base, so now it’s time to build some strength.

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