“Why do you want to run 100 miles?” Same reason you want to run 5, 10, 13.1, and 26.2. It is an awesome feeling to finish a new distance for the first time. I want to keep progressing. The marathon doesn’t need to be the last distance you finish. Completing a new race distance raises the bar for your life. 100 miles will be more mental than physical. I want to be tested. I raced hard the past few years to get to this distance. I am ready.
The race will be the Oil Creek 100. One of the top 100 mile races in Pennsylvania.
How do you train for a 100? The same way you train for a trail marathon, get weekly totals close to 100 miles. Make sure the terrain and elevation you train on have a similar profile to the race. Strength training is important. I joined a jujitsu class to work on strength and focus. The race is 98% mental. How do you train the mental side of the race? Make the training difficult and push your limits, but get to the starting line healthy. I want to avoid over training.
What do I gain if I complete the race? A belt buckle? An incredible sense of accomplishment? I want the story, I want the experience under my belt, not on my belt. There is never a right time to do this in my life. I am doing it for myself mostly, to become a more tolerant person. If I can endure this pain I can endure anything. Distance running teaches patience.
Life is too much routine. Break the routine with something big. Something different, an experience worth remembering. If you have the willpower and the focus, which most lack, give something big a chance.

Patrick is an ultrarunner and coach from Philadelphia who loves documenting his running career. His mission is to provide useful tips and tricks to assist others along their ultra journey. You can find his coaching services at https://ultraruncoach.com.